Friday, June 27, 2008

Neighborhoods can help decide the State Assembly Contest

To insure a free and fair election in which each candidate can state their own case to the constituents, the 39th District's neighborhood councils (being grass-root representatives of constituents in the District) are provisioned to step up to the plate and offer forum for dialog with all of the candidates appearing on this November's ballot.

The hallmark of my term in office will be to do the neighborhood's bidding, to be the neighborhood's advocate in Sacramento for sensible growth, driven not by developers, not top-down, but rather from the bottom-up. My long-standing commitment to the community have been proven by my co-authoring and presenting the Panorama City Commercial Area Revitalization Study as approved by City government, assisting the formation of neighborhood councils, and numerous stances to insist developers conform to the community plan.

The issues this year are more pronounced than ever before - but more important, with my campaign getting the word out, the ineptitude of my duopoly opponents, my only opponents - will act in a big way to defeat themselves. The duopoly's all-out assault on working people - as witnessed by no-end-in-sight financial freezes, foreclosures, hikes in fuel, energy and food prices has fractured any voter loyalty to follow the Democrat or Republican. Those who have led us into oblivion cannot be trusted to lead us into our green future. We must 'hike up the mountain,' live closer to the land, conserve and be frugal. The path out of this descent to consumption-driven human extinction will be full of patriotism - making sacrifices, taking care of and sharing each other in the transition off the oil standard and forward to a green-jobs and 100% renewable energy economy.

The current office-holder has proven to be undermining the implementation of AB 1493 (Global Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act) - by not only scandalously allowing developers write their legislation to build more sprawl - but also evidenced by his fence-sitting which defeated Assemblymember Ruskin's 'Feebates' consumer credits given toward the purchase of energy-efficient, small cars from surcharging purchasers of SUVs. His political initiative to advance new small car purchases shows shows only a politically-expedient concern for his small car lobbyist.

Conditions in my Assembly election contest in 2008 are entirely different than most of those past contests which have brought us here. The one-issue message-framing republican will get 20-30%, and the democrat is not independent-thinking, but a freshman who employs payola over the public interest, and who in doing so, raises the ire of neighborhood council activists, other elected political office-holders and the rank-and-file constituent.

The Green Party does not (nor do I) accept donations from corporate entities. We favor banning of all corporatist lobbying and campaign spending with implementation of public financing of elections. Once elected, I will bring the ethical and moral imperatives of the Greens' Ten Key Values to Sacramento.

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