Friday, April 13, 2012

Green Jobs New Deal - Four Pillars - Ten Key Values

the Green Jobs New Deal that includes my annotations and very much a work-in-progress:
1. Cut military spending at least 90%.
2. Create millions of green Living wage jobs through massive public investment in relocalized renewable energy, mass transit, conservation, food and material production, wildlife corridor and watershed revitalization.
3. Set ambitious, science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, and enact a revenue-neutral carbon tax to meet them. Focus public expenditure on what all plant and animal species are confronting at present and into the interminable future: beyond increasing tipping points of Extreme, Runaway Climate Change Adaptation.
4. Establish universal, quality single-payer "Medicare for all" health care.
5. Fully fund free pre-K through 16 public, lower through higher education.
6. Replace all existing trade agreements with those to improve labor, environmental, consumer, health and safety standards.
7. Decriminalize and regulate marijuana. Treat drug abuse and addiction as a matter of public health, rehabilitation and education rather than a criminal matter.
8. Enact tough limits on credit card interest and lending rates, progressive tax reform and strict financial regulation. Return all illegally seized, bank-held property to their rightful owners. Break up the mega-banks with Local banks that reinvest in the Community.
9. Amend the U.S. Constitution to abolish corporate personhood.
10. Pass sweeping electoral, campaign finance and anti-corruption reforms. Overturn the so-called 'Top-two' Proposition 14. Return all lobbyist donations to the public coffers. Campaign reform with public financing by a check off your tax return - necessary for democracy to be resuscitated. Stop the lobbyist third house from owning the legislators and writing the legislation.
11. Institute proportional representation - retire the electoral 'college' - Implement Instant runoff voting to ensure grassroots democracy and save taxpayer funds spent on elections.

Four Pillars • The international Green Party movement is guided by the "Four Pillars": Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Nonviolence.

Ten Key Values • Greens in the United States added six more of three paired, complementary Values:
Decentralization, and Community-Based Economics,
Feminism, and Respect for Diversity,
Personal and Global Responsibility, and Future Focus/Sustainability

- to form the "Ten Key Values" subscribed to by Green Parties in locals, Counties, States throughout the US and the US National Green Party.

Live the Ten Key Values!

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