Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Green Assembly Candidate Lindblad Says "Governor Wrong on Cutbacks" — Assembly candidate, Jack Lindblad, said today that the governor's continued claims that voters do not want new taxes to solve the state's budget mess is wrong, and rewards the wealthy and polluters at the expense of the poor, elderly and sick. Lindblad wants a split-roll to assess businesses under Prop. 13.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Study: Global warming may lead to hundreds of millions dead
A new study published in the American Meteorological Society’s Journal of Climate warns that global climate change may actually be twice as detrimental as previously predicted, with temperatures climbing as high as nine degrees by 2100, leading to mass migrations, wars and "hundreds of millions" dead. Lovelock, spot on. read more
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Tax policy for a Green, Steady State Economy for the 2000's
Jack Lindblad, in his public comment for California's Commission on the 21st Century Economy draws together the economic and ecological collapses' connectedness to urge a steady state economy and tax policy based on relocalization and bio-regional determinism by reducing emissions 70% by 2015 for a less than 2 °C rise to avoid deepening collapse. read more
Friday, February 27, 2009
Lindblad urges a No Vote on LA Charter Amendment B Solar
Assembly Candidate Jack Lindblad was not surprised to see that his Assembly seat opponent, the current office holder, and other state legislators siding with Mayor Villaraigosa and the Los Angeles City Council - bought and sold by the DWP union, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 18, one of Measure B's largest contributors. read more
Friday, January 30, 2009
How Bureaucracy Systematically Neutered Dissent (VIDEO)
In the wake of Bush, Naomi Wolf outlines the strategic and ethical challenges Obama now faces with intelligence, war profiteering, and surveillance. Only with the collective mobilization of millions of US people in a massive grassroots constitutional democracy movement will the corporate influence over Obama be checked and halted. read more
Lovelock Warns: One Last Chance Or 8 Billion Humans Die
According to James Lovelock, published in New Scientist, the outlook for humanity is bleak, with at least 90% of the world’s population dying before the end of the century as a direct result of climate change. This suggests that even if Obama acts at once with the level of measures suggested by Jim Hansen, it will be nowhere near enough to save us. read more
Air Pollution Melting Snow Quicker, Contaminating Water
A new study shows that pollution from automobiles and coal-fired power plants is contributing to the melting of mountain snowpacks up to a month early, exacerbating water shortages and polluting streams in the arid West. read more
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Must. Prosecute. War crimes --Olbermann [video]
Keith Olbermann's special comment -- prosecute the war criminals.
Past is prologue. Allowing the Bush Crime family's crimes against humanity go unaccounted for gives permission to future US governments to make endless, illegal wars on wars and to deceive and deny the US people of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and to continue shredding the US Constitution.
Got War Criminals? Hold them accountable or become complicitly one yourself, President Obama. Try leading us out of consumerist-fueled, corporatist-caused ecological, economic, and social collapse into a reset, no-carbon, biochar, 100% renewable energy, steady-state, relocalized bio-regionally-based green jobs economy. read more
Past is prologue. Allowing the Bush Crime family's crimes against humanity go unaccounted for gives permission to future US governments to make endless, illegal wars on wars and to deceive and deny the US people of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and to continue shredding the US Constitution.
Got War Criminals? Hold them accountable or become complicitly one yourself, President Obama. Try leading us out of consumerist-fueled, corporatist-caused ecological, economic, and social collapse into a reset, no-carbon, biochar, 100% renewable energy, steady-state, relocalized bio-regionally-based green jobs economy. read more
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Four years for Obama to avert climate change worst effects
President Obama has forty-eight months to stabilize global-warming gas emissions at a level widely considered safe says leading climate change scientist Jim Hansen. Head of the UN's Nobel-winning panel of climate scientists, Rajendra Pachauri argues that global CO2 emissions must be reduced to negative figures by 2050 to spare us the worse effects. read more
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Developers and politicians payola politics casts a blight
Once developers and politicians are divorced from the decision-making of where, how much and what to build, gentrification fueled by payola politics will cease to block and counter the public interest, permitting a revitalized Tujunga-Pacoima Watershed to meet a sizable portion of Los Angeles water needs as a localized solution to our water crisis. read more
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Speech President Obama Must Deliver But Will Not!
Like a healthy ecosystem, a healthy twenty-first-century economy must have strong local roots and maximize the beneficial capture, storage, sharing, and use of local energy, water, and mineral resources. We must achieve, community by community, all across this nation, by unleashing the creative energies of our people and our local governments... not by feeding the corrupt, democrat mafia-like payola-based political machine in cities such as Chicago and Los Angeles. read more
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cynthia McKinney on Palestine Boat getting rammed by Israel (Pt 2)
Cynthia McKinney continues the story about her journey on the relief boat to Gaza being rammed by the Israeli Navy. Green Party Presidential Candidate McKinney calls for an immediate end of US military support of Israel. read more
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Time for the Green Party to out-poll Democrats and Republicans
Greens are like guides in the trek toward sustainable culture, in the same way the Shamans who lived on the edge of the Native American tribes managed the relationships between social and spirit realms. Intertwined meltdowns of polar ice caps and the global economy present opportunities for Green politics to replace Democrat-Republican corporatism. read more
Big Oil's bottom-feeding with low gas prices
Gas prices are as low as they can be - even in these current times of simultaneous but contradictory states of deflation and sky-high prices for goods and services tied to our oil-based economic engine. The ever-faster accelerating cost-of-living spikes will continue due to an unprecedented global demand for oil, an overvalued U.S. currency that continues to be devalued, a growing 59.3 trillion dollar U.S. debt, and an emerging era of declining new oil finds within the oil-bubble of post-peak oil. Economists are now forecasting a world market price at $500 or even $1000 per barrel of oil. If times are tough now, just wait until Exxon-Mobil throws up obstacles to prevent the oil-based economy from transitioning to a 100% renewable energy resource-based economy anchored with green-collar jobs. And human society only has about 78 months left before unfettered desertification and runaway climate shift from unshackled global warming pass all tipping points causing mega-catastrophe one following another - liken it to a Katrina disaster 24/7.
The true cost of a gallon of gasoline does not factor in the costs bringing oil to wellhead, transporting, refining, storage, distributing, groundwater and environmental contamination, superfund cleanup, disposal and recycling. Massive government subsidies (much akin to big agriculture feeding at the public trough with the recently passed Farm Subsidy Bill) hide the actual, far higher cost. Market forces are resisted by corporate overlords who write legislation (favoring the corporate author) to become beneficiaries of and profiteers from windfall gains from buying an even number of democrat and republican legislators who in turn, in election after election continue to sway the electorate to vote against people's own self interest by democrat-republicans propagating the big lie of low prices. Only now the corporate true nature is peeking through with the out-of-control, no-end-in sight accelerating energy, fuel, food and all products tied to the oil-based economy. Prices have been kept artificially and fraudulently low by corporate welfare doled out by government to corporations masquerading behind a corporate person-hood - mistakenly perceived as having been given the constitutional "right" by the Federal Judiciary. "We, the people" must see that the government ceases representing "We, the corporation."
That's Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Agri-business, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Power, Wall Street forcing their strangle-hold profiteeering on the public, forcing a race to the bottom, economically, socially, and in terms of environmental justice and workplace safety, forcing out-migration in countries where farmers cannot eke out a living on even subsistence farming let alone the indigenous economy from selling the small surplus. So we know that public policy does not represent values that families hold close around the world and it is that wrong public policy which has created an immigration crisis and fueled the xenophobic, vigilante outrage. The same folks who tries to convince you with low prices also sell the illusion of a competitive marketplace at work. We know of (and might define ourselves as) the working poor, those who have permanently dropped off unemployment and ceased being counted. We would be surprised to see the true, actual high level of non-productivity defining the once empire-grade U.S. economy.
By maintaining a deceptively low gasoline price, Big Oil and Big every other corporate megalith are attempting to continue collectively killing off adoptions of Green technologies that would have allowed an earlier, economically easier, less economically-painful transition to a renewable energy resource-based economy that in that process has given Big Oil the false argument to point to higher costs as impediments of going to a solar-based green collar economy. Technologies already developed today which are sitting on the shelf, if applied and built would supply a 100% renewable energy resource-based economy - completely weaned off oil.
So whether its the Progressive Bag Affiliates, the Plastics Council, the American Chemical Society, payola politicians, would-be big dam building governerators, there is no free plastic, there is no low-cost gasoline, or summer fruit in winter, every product has a cradle-to-cradle, carbon-footprint cost and the corporate welfare crippling our marketplace of trade and ingenuity must be halted.
The true cost of a gallon of gasoline does not factor in the costs bringing oil to wellhead, transporting, refining, storage, distributing, groundwater and environmental contamination, superfund cleanup, disposal and recycling. Massive government subsidies (much akin to big agriculture feeding at the public trough with the recently passed Farm Subsidy Bill) hide the actual, far higher cost. Market forces are resisted by corporate overlords who write legislation (favoring the corporate author) to become beneficiaries of and profiteers from windfall gains from buying an even number of democrat and republican legislators who in turn, in election after election continue to sway the electorate to vote against people's own self interest by democrat-republicans propagating the big lie of low prices. Only now the corporate true nature is peeking through with the out-of-control, no-end-in sight accelerating energy, fuel, food and all products tied to the oil-based economy. Prices have been kept artificially and fraudulently low by corporate welfare doled out by government to corporations masquerading behind a corporate person-hood - mistakenly perceived as having been given the constitutional "right" by the Federal Judiciary. "We, the people" must see that the government ceases representing "We, the corporation."
That's Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Agri-business, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Power, Wall Street forcing their strangle-hold profiteeering on the public, forcing a race to the bottom, economically, socially, and in terms of environmental justice and workplace safety, forcing out-migration in countries where farmers cannot eke out a living on even subsistence farming let alone the indigenous economy from selling the small surplus. So we know that public policy does not represent values that families hold close around the world and it is that wrong public policy which has created an immigration crisis and fueled the xenophobic, vigilante outrage. The same folks who tries to convince you with low prices also sell the illusion of a competitive marketplace at work. We know of (and might define ourselves as) the working poor, those who have permanently dropped off unemployment and ceased being counted. We would be surprised to see the true, actual high level of non-productivity defining the once empire-grade U.S. economy.
By maintaining a deceptively low gasoline price, Big Oil and Big every other corporate megalith are attempting to continue collectively killing off adoptions of Green technologies that would have allowed an earlier, economically easier, less economically-painful transition to a renewable energy resource-based economy that in that process has given Big Oil the false argument to point to higher costs as impediments of going to a solar-based green collar economy. Technologies already developed today which are sitting on the shelf, if applied and built would supply a 100% renewable energy resource-based economy - completely weaned off oil.
So whether its the Progressive Bag Affiliates, the Plastics Council, the American Chemical Society, payola politicians, would-be big dam building governerators, there is no free plastic, there is no low-cost gasoline, or summer fruit in winter, every product has a cradle-to-cradle, carbon-footprint cost and the corporate welfare crippling our marketplace of trade and ingenuity must be halted.
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