the Green Jobs New Deal that includes my annotations and very much a work-in-progress:
1. Cut military spending at least 90%.
2. Create millions of green Living wage jobs through massive public investment in relocalized renewable energy, mass transit, conservation, food and material production, wildlife corridor and watershed revitalization.
3. Set ambitious, science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, and enact a revenue-neutral carbon tax to meet them. Focus public expenditure on what all plant and animal species are confronting at present and into the interminable future: beyond increasing tipping points of Extreme, Runaway Climate Change Adaptation.
4. Establish universal, quality single-payer "Medicare for all" health care.
5. Fully fund free pre-K through 16 public, lower through higher education.
6. Replace all existing trade agreements with those to improve labor, environmental, consumer, health and safety standards.
7. Decriminalize and regulate marijuana. Treat drug abuse and addiction as a matter of public health, rehabilitation and education rather than a criminal matter.
8. Enact tough limits on credit card interest and lending rates, progressive tax reform and strict financial regulation. Return all illegally seized, bank-held property to their rightful owners. Break up the mega-banks with Local banks that reinvest in the Community.
9. Amend the U.S. Constitution to abolish corporate personhood.
10. Pass sweeping electoral, campaign finance and anti-corruption reforms. Overturn the so-called 'Top-two' Proposition 14. Return all lobbyist donations to the public coffers. Campaign reform with public financing by a check off your tax return - necessary for democracy to be resuscitated. Stop the lobbyist third house from owning the legislators and writing the legislation.
11. Institute proportional representation - retire the electoral 'college' - Implement Instant runoff voting to ensure grassroots democracy and save taxpayer funds spent on elections.
Four Pillars • The international Green Party movement is guided by the "Four Pillars": Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Nonviolence.
Ten Key Values • Greens in the United States added six more of three paired, complementary Values:
Decentralization, and Community-Based Economics,
Feminism, and Respect for Diversity,
Personal and Global Responsibility, and Future Focus/Sustainability
- to form the "Ten Key Values" subscribed to by Green Parties in locals, Counties, States throughout the US and the US National Green Party.
Live the Ten Key Values!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
We must heed the threat of solar storms
Our centralized, wasteful and non-sustainable electric grid is an anthropomorphic miscalculation waiting to collapse with severe CME solar flares in this planet's immediate future.
A Perfect Storm of Planetary Proportions - IEEE Spectrum
Decentralization is a Green Ten Key value highlighted in our Lindblad for assembly 2012 Campaign to Relocalize water resources, energy, material goods, food production and banking as part of revitalizing the Los Angeles river and it's Tujunga-Pacoima watershed with lowered impact development - toward a steady-state, 100% renewable energy economy. This policy implementation is essential to mitigate, adapt to, and revitalize sustainable locales - climate disruption's worsening catastrophes and CME solar flares. Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe
one main reason to be a locovore and relocalize water, food, material production, banking/finance renewable energy. Get off all macro grids now! Get on all local, micro, smart grids now!
Decentralization is a Green Ten Key value highlighted in our Lindblad for assembly 2012 Campaign to Relocalize water resources, energy, material goods, food production and banking as part of revitalizing the Los Angeles river and it's Tujunga-Pacoima watershed with lowered impact development - toward a steady-state, 100% renewable energy economy. This policy implementation is essential to mitigate, adapt to, and revitalize sustainable locales - climate disruption's worsening catastrophes and CME solar flares. Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe
one main reason to be a locovore and relocalize water, food, material production, banking/finance renewable energy. Get off all macro grids now! Get on all local, micro, smart grids now!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Is Fracking In California Going To Cause Earthquakes?
Did you know that there was fracking going on in hundreds of locations around California, including some in nearby Monterey County? Well, there is, and a new report just came out about it, which includes the revelation that the state basically has no regulations at present around the practice of fracking, which has been known to cause small earthquakes.
Is Fracking In California Going To Cause Earthquakes?
Is Fracking In California Going To Cause Earthquakes?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Lindblad is running to a certain 2012 win for California's 39th Assembly seat
In order to qualify for the June 5th ballot, we of the Lindblad Volunteer Campaign gathered 1331 registered voter signatures in every community of our 39th Assembly District - with three of us, including myself, tirelessly outreaching and sharing with our constituents: Green values, Legislative ideas and issues and how they relate to our day-to-day struggle.
Our District-originated volunteer campaign is an idea whose time has come for an undeniable and certain win in 2012 based on long-time award-winning community planning service and electoral progress. We tripled our vote (22%) for California's 39th Assembly seat in 2010 from my 2008 run: 8.1%! For the People's Voice, independent of the duopolistic influences shredding the alternate parties and the middle class. That's our Green values way of having No Corporate Beholdence. All our campaigns never have, do not and never will accept corporate donations.
For effectiveness, competence, time-proven community leadership in our Governance, we the People must throw off the insidious corruption, fraud, deceit and smear of the duopolist Machine politics at play - and deliver grass-roots Representation in Sacramento.
I joined over 1000 California State University at Northridge students in a walkout on March 2, 2011 demanding full education funding making real the Dream for all California students.
Lindblad is running to a certain 2012 win for California's 39th Assembly seat
Social justice issues are inextricably tied to environmental justice and must be part of the environmental agenda. Once elected, Lindblad will fight in favor of, and advance legislation to:
° Save Our Neighborhoods - Our Quality of Life
Green Jobs economy. Relocalize water resources, energy, material goods and food production. Fully fund our District-wide ground water cleanup projects. Lowered Impact Development - More parks. Halt foreclosures with lowered loan values.
° Abolish Corporate Personhood and politics of personal enrichment
Ban all corporatist lobbying and campaign spending with full implementation of public financing of elections - halts lobbyist influence over land-use planning.
° Protect Human rights - not Privilege and Raids
Human Dignity, building community and fair Immigration rights by immediately ending raids and deportation. Early childhood care, education, mentoring and sports to prevent gang violence. Reverse long term spending on prisons over education.
A Green jobs New Deal version Steady-State economy focuses on rewilding, revitalization of watersheds, jobs in energy monitoring and conservation, mass transit, greenbelts of wildlife corridors - in which high tech plays a part. Fracking is an intolerable threat to ground stability and aquifer potable water. Hydrological fracturing is mistaken seen as a means to extracting natural gas to provide a false transition to a renewable energy economy. Wind, solar, wave, zero-point and free energy will provide our transition to a 100% renewable energy economy.
Three criteria to be met by developers memorialized in our award-winning Panorama Commercial Area Revitalization study: transit--oriented, mixed-use, and pedestrian-friendly - were adopted as part of SB 375 for complying with AB 32, California's Climate Change legislation, to reduce global greenhouse gases by 1/3 (compared to 1990 levels) in 2020. Once elected, Lindblad will further insure our 2020 energy goals are met and exceeded.
Increasing the high tech job sector without a moral compass of frugality, sustainability and relocalization cannot not be a guidepost to a 100% renewable energy, net-zero energy, steady-state economy.
Our communities here in the East San Fernando Valley, lower Tujunga-Pacoima watershed can be a model for the state and beyond to refocus delivering excellent, efficient, and effective governance most productively on the local, bioregional level.
Testifying before the City Redistricting Commission, joined by 50 local residents, my urging to keep the foothill communities in the same district as the mountain pass communities (both in the same watershed) - was met with success. The commission redrew the city council lines per the communities’ request.
Our imperative is to Make Rehabilitation and Education the 'penalties' - not the warehousing punishment that incarceration amounts to.
Since felonies involve higher court costs and result in lengthier periods of incarceration, the cost savings from these reforms would be substantial. These savings would make implementation of the Governor's realignment plan less costly, allowing local authorities to use the money saved to fund rehabilitation, drug treatment, and other proven strategies for reducing crime.
These sentencing reforms will help to preserve scarce dollars for schools and universities, health care and social services. And California will stop spending unnecessary millions to incarcerate people who pose no threat to public safety.
the mission, the vision and the plan.
Our communities along the western slopes of the San Gabriel mountains forsee a future expanding the current 100 billion dollar a year ecotourism industry in California to attain an eco-tourist paradise where our communities serve as portals to the Angeles Crest National Park and as multi-modal hubs to active and passive recreation of a rewilded Los Angeles River and its tributary washes reaching into the upper, forested Tujunga-Pacoima watershed.
Our Revolutionary Communities consensing by voting to office, those candidates reflecting empathy - will steer a course away from an isolated political class of self-absorbed careerists toward equity and social justice. This dynamic finds a resoundant chord in each of our runs for office.
Unfunded mandates are ineffectual. Ballot box voting is a quixotic and problematic game of blaming others with plausible deniability for continuing budgetary problems. Militarist us foreign adventures must be stopped to balance the states and federal budget.
Demonstrable progress and leaps in my vote totals - without corporate donations (we have never have accepted corporate donations and never will) shows this DNA is in the community to springboard our win and spreading - which we will represent the People's Voice in Sacramento - real human beings over corporatists - transcending those political roadblocks of the politics of the moment and the 'art of the deal'. Worker Rights are not to be compromised!
Of Greens in line to win partisan elected office after decades of building the wider constituent base driving that election - In our Heroic Working Class Communities - we are pitted against either the one democrat who allows no one to run against him, is under 22 indictments of voter fraud and perjury in our 39th California Assembly District or the other, a chief Legislative aide to the 'most corrupt Legislator in California' now termed out of the Assembly - where our electoral effort is building on 2010's 22% (in a one-on-one rematch against that much younger corrupt democrat - we tripled our 2008 8.1%).
Jack Lindblad is a proven community leader who pledges, with a staff of community legislative deputies to “fight until every person in the district who needs a job can get a living wage green job, recapture our position as a world-class public education system, and make our relocalized region sustainable: in water, energy, food production and banking and improving our environmental quality." (change with Jack)
An architect by education and profession, Jack Lindblad is running to win California's 39th State Assembly District seat in 2012, in back-to-back contests and one-on-one rematch with the incumbent, earning 21.6% of the vote in 2010 (tripling the 2008 showing), tops for alternative parties. His award-winning sustainable urban design and architecture practice has a healthcare facility emphasis. Lindblad campaigns on a Green-values platform for a carbon-neutral, relocalized, 100% renewable energy, steady state economy, basing development on bio-regional determinism, not developers.
He will advance these moral imperatives in the Legislature to balance the budget, manage multiple collapses, mitigate and adapt to ecological collapse's worst catastrophes, offset existing environmental problems, and alleviate economic disruptions. A member of Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley Livable Communities Council, he has supported community grass-root efforts, forming neighborhood councils, co-authoring a sustainable community plan to revitalize the Panorama City commercial area, advocating District-wide multimodal rapid transit, stopping gentrification, revitalizing the Tujunga-Pacoima Watershed, assisting in the 'No on B' win to provide unfettered solar power to stakeholders and assisting in the successful effort keeping the foothill and upper watershed communities in one city council district. His current focus is sustainable urban morphologies and the inherent conservation technologies at work.
Occupation: Architect/Private Practitioner/Community Organizer/Party County Councilmember
Masters degree in Architecture, Texas A & M University with an Outpatient Healthcare Facility thesis.
University of Washington at Seattle, Bachelors degree in Environmental Design and a Yearly Award for High Scholastic Achievement.
Co-Author/Presenter Panorama City Urban Design Assistance Team Study for developing of a sustainable historic commercial area in cooperation with the Los Angeles City Council and Planning Department.
Pioneered a mix of services as a building type: Diagnostic & Treatment Ambulatory Outpatient Surgical Centers & MRI Facilities. Used day-lighting tech.
Member of the Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley Livable Communities Council.
Coro Southern California Neighborhood Leadership Development Program Graduate 2003.
Received an American Institute of Architects Innovative Cities award to the Panorama City Plan and 2005 Component Excellence Award.
"Conflict Resolution Training-Mending Human Relations" sponsored by L.A. City Human Relations Commission, Nat'l Conference for Community and Justice Participant.
Contributed public comment for the Commission on the 21st Century Economy, read and acknowledged by Governor Schwarzenegger, posted on this page, as a pdf, drawing together the economic and ecological collapses' connectedness to urge a steady state economy and tax policy based on relocalization and bio-regional determinism to retire endemic deficit spending and adapt to, mitigate, and restore ecological services from climate change by reducing emissions 70% by 2015 for a less than 2 °C rise from 2000 levels to avoid escalating, horrific effects of deepening social, economic and ecological collapse beyond the capacity of governments to respond.
2012 - 2010 - 2008 Green Party candidate for California's 39th
Assembly District seat
FPPC # 1339853
Accepts no corporate donations. Accepts donations only from human beings.
Donate/Volunteer application on facebook
Search on for the hashtag: #LindbladforAssembly2012
1 (818) 785-2724
Lindblad for Assembly Cambio con Jack 2012 - 2010 - 2008
East San Fernando Valley Greens Local
East San Fernando Valley Community-based Economics: Locally-grown Produce
Advocacy for Pacoima Canyon
Move to Amend - East San Fernando Valley
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Jack Lindblad is running to win California's 39th Assembly seat!
The Green party was first introduced in St. Paul, Minn. in 1984. Many efforts such as a few campaigns for electoral office, philosophical discussions, and alternative institution building helped fuel the growth of Green Party chapters around the country. Alaska was the first state to ever archive a recognized Green ballot in 1990. The party grew from there on and after the 1996 elections the Green party formed the Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) who then, filed for national party status. This party mainly focuses around environmental issues but they also focus on issues that deal with peace and decreasing the power of the corporation. The most recent action in the Green Party includes, Kent Mesplay, Jill Stein, and Harley Mikkelson running for President, Jack Lindblad running for state assembly...Jack Lindblad is running to win California's 39th Assembly seat!
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