We shall not allow the diverse communities of our newly drawn 39th Assembly District succumb to the developer/corpartist/lobbyist driven pathos and greed of the duopolistic poltico.
The fat list of coincidences grows by the minute - asteroids, solar maximum, the heliosphere passing through dense material of the galactic median... say the Great Culling from any one or combination of coincidences reaches 99.73% of the planet's current population. the ratio of billionaires surviving will drop by a couple magnitudes from the current 0.37% leaving 259,000 homo sapiens but the ability to maintain an internet will be practically zero but the remembered recent technologies that we employed at arcosanti, my arcological worshop i attended in 1973 and 1974, (going strong today) will be what the remaining people can aspire to.
I was part of the workshop that constructed the buildings at Arcosanti in 1973 and 1974 (for a simpler and sustainable life that was to have taken root as a societal paradigm) that are shown at the end of this History Channel After Armageddon 9/9 segment at 3:47. Society may not achieve this level. Still the use of showing life at Arcosanti helps point the way to live as one could aspire to after some sort of Armageddon.
Had the windstorm collapsed the scaffolding present to form the concrete panel walls of the square-box-shaped Restaurant building, the concrete waffle slab would have be destroyed had I not scrambled everyone to stop that scaffolding from listing and teetering! There should be workshoppers from that era who can attest to it! There are pictures of us workshoppers, including me, circa 1973, at the end of this video. See if you can pick me out! This article, provides a zeitgeist of my green-values architect professional and environmental and social justice activist groundings.